
Prep Your Pet to Dress in His Halloween Best

Halloween is just around the corner and your dog would look cute in a costume. But just because you know he looks cute, doesn’t mean your dog finds it very cute to wear a costume. Here are some tips to help him get more comfortable with wearing clothing and accessories:
  • Start small. If your dog has never even worn a bandana, expecting him to be enthused about wearing the full pirate outfit, complete with eye patch, might be going a bit overboard. Try a bandana and see how he does. If wearing the bandana goes well, try a t-shirt or a cape. Remember to reward him when he’s calm and doesn’t try to remove the costume.
  • Once he’s doing well with the t-shirt (you’re still rewarding him for being good right?), you can try the costume you really want him wear. Leave off the accessories (shoes, hat, etc.) for now.
  • If the costume has shoes, put all the shoes on (so he can’t stand on two or three legs to shake them off) and let him walk around the house in them. You could try this with or without the costume at this point. Don’t forget the treats and make sure you reward for the good behavior.
  • If the costume has a hat, put it on your dog and make sure it’s a good, comfortable fit and isn't too tight around the head or under the chin. Once it’s on, make sure you reward him like crazy for not shaking or pawing it off. Let him practice walking around the house in it and continue to reward for good behavior.
  • If everything has gone well up to this point, try dresing him in the entire costume. Put it on, reward him for being good, and then take a picture! You’d hate to miss him looking adorable.
When the trick-or-treaters come calling, it’s best for some dogs to stay home and away from the door. All those “scary creatures” and an open door may not be the best combination for many dogs. As always, keep the candy out of reach of your dog!

Like everything else we teach our dogs, the key is patience. If you want your dog to truly enjoy something, make it worth his while and take it slowly. If you practice with small steps, you’ll soon have a dog that will tolerate any article of clothing you dress him in.

And, once he's all decked out, don't forget to snap a picture and enter our online Howl-O-Ween Costume Photo Contest!

Happy Halloween!

Debbie McKnight is an accredited PetSmart trainer in Hurst, Texas.

For information on PetSmart's Accredited Training, please visit PetSmart's training web site.

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