Female Dog Spaying
Having had Jet, our youngest Dog, who is just under nine months old, Spayed five days ago I thought it would be a good idea here at the Dog Blog to give a little advice on Dog spaying and tell what happened to our Dogs after being Spayed. Female Dog Spaying aftercare is especially important and there are a few things we should all know.
As always though, these are just my opinions and experiences. If you are ever in any doubt about any aspect of looking after Dogs then consult your Vet.
I wrote previously about when I believe you should get your Dog Spayed or Sterilized so I won’t get in to that debate here. We have three Dogs and they have all been Spayed now. Daisy, the Mother of Jet, had one season and with our best intentions she manged to get out via a quick dash for the door and five Puppies were the result. Luckily we found homes for four but it was a mistake on our part that we didn’t want repeated.
Dog Spaying Cost?
We have a local Vet that performs the Spaying for about 200 Euros ($250). The antibiotics they have for a week after cost about 50 Euros. It can vary dramatically from Vet to Vet and the procedure they do. Ours is relatively cheap and I have heard of many cases of it being up to $1000!!!
Our Dog Spaying costs are relatively low because there is no overnight care afterwards. It is a small clinic and they merely perform the operation. The Dogs go in at nine am and we are taking them home by eleven. If they were to be cared for all day and possibly the night then it would be much higher.
What To Do On The Day Of The Dog Spay?
Hopefully your Vet will have told you not to have let the Dog have food or water since the previous evening. After the Spaying it will take some time for the Dog to come around from the anaesthetic. It took all of our three Girls the better part of the afternoon to come around properly and even then they were in and out of sleep for the rest of the day.
Female Dog Spaying is a major operation and it will take time for them to recover. The first day is normally the worst for them.
Dog Sick After Spaying?
All three of our Dogs were a little sick on the day of the Spay. Not much but it is quite normal for this to happen. As long as it is not prolonged then it is not a major cause for concern.
Dog Shivering After Being Spayed?
female dog spaying
Jet, just about visible under her blankies!
All Dogs react differently to the Operation. Our more heavy set Dog, Faye, never shivered but the two more delicate Dogs were shaking like mad a little while after they were brought home. This is normal, especially for lighter framed Dogs. On the day of Jets Spay she had about five blankets on her for the day and this just about stopped her shaking. Dog Spaying aftercare involves ensuring you keep the Female Dog nice and warm.
Try to get a portable heater near to the Dog if they simply won’t seem to stop shivering. Oil filled radiators are always a good choice in my opinion. Better than portable gas heaters as they don’t make so much condensation in the house.
Can The Dog Eat And Drink On The Day They Are Spayed?
This is really down to the Dog. Jet had no inclination to eat or drink on the first day. We gave her a little bit of water and she had a few laps at it. The next day she was a lot more inclined to eat and drink. Faye, on the other hand, by the evening, was up for normal food and lots of drinking. She was only given a little food though and was fine with it.
Daisy, our most delicate Dog, was a lot more sick than the others and for about two days she found it difficult to hold down any food or water. Her body is just a lot more delicate.
See how they react to food and water and take it from there. Just don’t let them have too much too soon.
Dogs can drink water on the day they were spayed, just be aware that they should not drink too much. You may well find that your Dog has no inclination to drink water on the day of the Spay, and may be reluctant to drink for a few days after. It is very much down to the individual Dog.
The Elizabethan Collar, Space Collar or E Collar
The Elizabethan Collar, E-Collar, space collar, cone, or whatever you call it is very important after female Dog Spaying. The stitches, if this was the procedure used, most not be tampered with. Many Dogs natural instincts will be to lick or gnaw at the stitches. You must ensure that they can’t do it.
elizabethan collarThis plastic funnel that attaches to their collar will stop them from getting to the incision. The Elizabethan collar for Dogs is very important, especially for Dogs that like to gnaw or get bothered very easily. Does your Dog need to wear an E-Collar? I would recommend it, at least for a few days, to see what your Dogs reaction is to the Stitches. Some Dogs will only need the E-Collar for a short amount of time but if your Dog tries to gnaw at the stitches then you need to be very careful indeed.
How Long Should The Dog Wear The Elizabethan Collar?
This is really a judgement call. It is totally down to the nature of the Dog. Faye, the big brash Girl really didn’t seem bothered by the stitches at all. On day two the Space Collar came off and she was fine without it. We kept an eye on her and for our own peace of mind put it back on for the night. Only for a few days though. She just isn’t the kind of Dog that seems concerned by these things.
Daisy on the other hand had to have hers on for nearly two weeks constantly. She was really bothered by the incision and would try to get at it. The Space Collar stayed on until all the stitches had either dissolved or the last few bits taken off.
I would just say err on the side of caution.
How Long Do Stitches Need To Be Left In After The Dog Is Spayed?
Although it seems more and more Dog owners now have the option of Laser Surgery to get their Dog Spayed, many of us will still find our Dogs with quite a number of stitches. These will be internal and external stitches. Our Vet recommended that the Stitches should be left in the Dog for at least a week.
We then had the option of going back to the Vets to have them removed, or, see if they come out on their own. With Jet all her stitches were still there after a week, but I did not want to take her back to the Vets after being Spayed so soon. After a few more days the stitches started to simply drop off. They also began to unravel and I simply pulled them out. After three weeks there were a few stitches still in her, I pulled lightly on them and the stitches simply came away.
Personally I would not be concerned with leaving the stitches in the Dog for a few weeks after being Spayed, but it depends on the Dogs reaction and how easily they seem to come out.
Dog Spaying Recovery. How Long?
Again it completely depends on the Dog. The advice from the Vet was no strenuous activity for as long as possible. The wound may be healing well but you can’t see what is going on inside. They need to heal well. Any running, jumping, playing could cause a major problem.
Although difficult, keep your Dog calm for a few weeks if possible and then take it slowly. I know from experience this is difficult to do. Faye especially was up for running and jumping up walls within two days. She had to be on the lead constantly and at times even in the house. She recovered so quickly she just wanted to play like normal.
Again err on the side of caution and keep them close and never let them run around for the first few weeks. For some high energy Dogs this will be tough but this is a few weeks out of a long life. You don’t want any complications.
Problems That May Arise After The Spay?
Lumps After Dog Spayed?
Many people become concerned about the size of the swelling around the stitches a few days after the Spay. Normally it is a Seroma, a collection of fluid after the operation. It is normally a reaction to the stitches.
All three of our Dogs have been on antibiotics (expensive) for a week after the surgery. This helps them recover quickly and stops the reaction to the stitches becoming too big.
Both Jet and Daisy swelled up quite a bit but although it bothered Daisy, Jet is taking it all in her stride.
Faye, the indestructible Dog, had little to no swelling under the stitches.
What she did get after about a week were two hard lumps either side of the base of the stitches. We were told this is quite common, and in a few days they disappeared.
Dog Is Sick After Being Spayed?
Sickness is normal for a day or so after the operation but if it happens too much or goes on too long then you ned to call the Vet.
Dog Is Lethargic After Being Spayed?
Some Dogs will be fine after a day or so and want to run and play. For others it could be a week or more before you see them getting back to normal. If they are too lethargic after a few days then check with the Vet.
This is by no means a full coverage of the topic. I can only speak about my experiences with our three Dogs. Each of them reacted very differently. From wanting to play basically the next day to another being very sedate for about a week.
The main thing is that if you have any concerns talk to the Vet. Female Dog Spaying is a major operation and your Vet should be there to assist if you have any concerns at all.
Keep a close eye on your Dog, make sure they have a Space Collar on, feed lightly for a few days and ensure they get no large amounts of exercise for as long as you can.
What was your experience like after your Dog got spayed?
Did they react well or did it take a long time to recover? Or do you not even believe in getting your Dog Spayed?
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