
Siberian、Sibirskaya Koshka

Place of Origin: Russia, Ukraine,

Reproduction: viviparous

Historical origin: Siberia, Siberia and Ukraine, the cat may be the family cat in the region and the hybrid offspring of local wild cats. It is rich and warm coat is adapted to local cold weather. With red and white stripes of the varieties of female cats MUSSA and Tomcat TIMA in 1987, was purchased and brought to Berlin. HANS and BETTI SCHULZ cats in their house in NEWSKI bred the first generation of Siberian cats. 1991, the Siberian cat breeds in France established. 1887 has been recognized by FIFe. 1990 ELIZABETH TERRELL introduced the first batch of the cats to their U.S. STARPOINT cat house. TICA recognized the species and varieties in 1998 to publish the standard. Siberian cats in the cold northern part of the birth of Russia, so the body of a thick coat. Although they are full of wild, but tame and gives the appearance of a sense of approachable. In addition to artificial breeding, the natural production of new varieties is also the origin. Although it has yet to be selective for their cultivation, but the northern species, and another cat Norwegian Forest Cat in the case, it has been officially began cultivating this species.

Habits: These large cats were quiet and powerful performance. They were also quite dynamic. Even very active. Despite a strong personality, its very friendly to other cats. They wanted to have fun, and the kids get along quite well. Feeling rich, very attached to his master. Sound soft.

Shape: very large and compact body, thick and heavy. Weight: 4.5 to 9 kg.

Head: head size of the medium, wide and triangular in shape, contour into a circular shape. Head flat. Forehead slightly convex drum. Cheek is not obvious. The dolphin's rounded, moderately long. The head is more rounded than the Norwegian Forest Cat.

Ears: Moderate width, sharp-eared from arc. Ear hair short, long ears inside. Lynx tip better. Eyes large and almost circular. Pitch great. Slightly tilted.

Eyes: Traditional adult cat's eye color: green to yellow, while the focus of the Siberian cat's eye color is blue. Wink and be fur-free association.

Nose: the nose part of the width between the eyes to the tip of the nose and the slightly smaller Shoulong hook-shaped.

Chin: chin rounded. Long, thick mustache hair pad.

Limbs: neck moderately long, rounded, thick and muscular. Compact body, moderate length. Back long and slightly elevated. Rounded chest. Bones strong, muscular. Hind legs slightly longer than front legs. Heavy bones. Muscles are well developed.

Foot palm: claw large, round, hairy toes. In addition to a contraction of the toe than is available.

Tail: Tail moderately long, basal width, lining rich hair. Thick.

Phi Mao: The half-length to long, was plush-like, greasy, waterproof and can effectively withstand very cold. Hard protect hair. Abdominal hair length, shoulder and chest hair shorter local. Collar ring hair long and extensive. Rich underlying villi.

Coat Color: The traditional color is golden tiger color.
